Sermon 7-14-13
Bible Text: Luke11:1-13
Prayer is a tricky thing. God promises to hear our prayers,
and in this story from Luke, God even promises to answer them—“ask, and it
shall be given to you”. But how does God answer prayers? And when? And how will
we know? And what will the answer be?
And my favorite excuse: if God knows everything already, why do we have
to pray? Wow. Thinking about praying is
more exhausting than praying!
In these chapters 10 & 11 of Luke, there are several
different and seemingly unrelated things going on: seventy Jesus followers are
sent out to do the work of the kingdom, as Jesus does: healing, preaching,
teaching; Jesus has a conversation with a lawyer in which Jesus makes the
bad-guy Samaritan the good guy; they visit Martha and Mary at home and “the
rules” are once again re-defined; demons are cast out in God’s name; followers
are challenged to be light, not darkness; and Pharisees and lawyers challenge
Jesus about “the rules”. Many short
episodes, but through it all Jesus is teaching about what it means to belong to
the kingdom of God. Sometimes “the rules” in God’s kingdom are a lot different
than “the rules” in this world of Samaritans and Pharisees and Torah—Jesus is
teaching them how to live in the new life God gives them.
In this part of the story, Jesus is praying—have you
noticed, he does that fairly often, especially before something challenging
comes his way. First point about prayer: it seems to be a regular thing,
putting rhythm and pace to the day and the days. His disciples now ask him to teach them how to pray, and he sketches out a
frame for prayer, which we now know as the Lord’s Prayer—almost. It isn’t exactly the same version we use in
worship (what we know is closer to Matthew’s version), but the elements are
there. We know this prayer—it’s the
basics of life: food, good relationships, freedom from oppression. And for those who follow Jesus in the kingdom
of God, it’s a commitment to reflect that kingdom that we so desire here on
earth, in our actions, our choices, our values.
Then Jesus goes on to tell some stories—about a person who
has a need late at night, and a friend who may not respond out of friendship,
but will respond to get rid of the neighbor; about parents who give children
things that are good for them, not things that are dangerous. And the promise that God hears when we ask
and wants to give us good things.
So this is where all those questions come in—how, when,
where, what, why? Does God answer prayers, but we miss it? Does God give us a different answer than we
expect? Does God answer some but not others, and does that have to do with who
God is or who the pray-er is?
This image has come to mind about how we approach God in
Sometimes God is the person on the phone taking catalog
orders—waiting for us to call to tell God what we want; if it’s in stock, we
get it, shipped out in 3 business days.
I know that sounds ridiculous, but you have to admit sometimes that’s
how we approach God in prayer: we know what we want and we expect God to give
it to us, as advertised.
But that is not what Jesus is talking about here. All the
stories around this Lord’s Prayer are Jesus teaching the people what it means
to live in the kingdom of God. In the presence of God, demons flee, illness is
healed, enemies become neighbors, and the extraneous rules are suspended so we
can sit down with the Divine and focus on what matters. This is a way of life,
a relationship—not a shopping list. In this image, God is the beloved—the one you call even when
you don’t really have anything to say; the one you want to check in with
throughout the day just to hear her voice; together you make plans, coordinate
life, build relationship. So we don’t have to worry about “the right words” in
our praying or even what the answer will be. We pray because we are in love
with God who is in love with us and we want to know each other better. We pray
because that’s what living in the kingdom is about. Jesus’ stories show us that
God is paying attention in this prayer relationship. God is the actor in our prayers—we pray, but
God is the one who answers the prayers—we ask God to give us bread, to forgive
us, to bring in the kingdom, to save us from the time of trial. We can’t do those things without God—so we
And the answer to the prayer is not yes or no—the answer is
God! Jesus tells us that the Father—this loving and good parent who is in
relationship with us no matter what—wants to give us the Holy Spirit, the very
essence of God blowing through our world, part of every breath we take. God
does not wrap the answer to our prayer in a package for FedEx, detaching God
from the prayer. God sends the Spirit into this world, this life, this
kingdom—God joins Godself to us, giving us new life in which we are fed,
forgiven, and free—the answer to the kingdom prayer, the Lord’s prayer, is God.
So let’s don’t worry about how to pray, when to pray, what
to pray. This is not a speech
contest—it’s a love affair. Sometimes we
have a lot to say and we need God’s undivided attention for hours; sometimes we
only have time for a quick 140-characters-or-less Tweet. Sometimes we can’t
wait to be done with the meeting so we can talk to God; sometimes we take God
for granted and forget to call for days.
It’s OK. I think God always wants more of our attention, but I also think
God is more patient than we are about being neglected.
You’ll be surprised to know that I have not written any
prayers for worship today. These are called the “prayers of the people” or the
“prayers of the church”. So, church,
it’s your turn to pray. We’re going to practice together today, so we know what
to do alone, tomorrow. Pray about what’s on your heart—and remember, the answer
is GOD.
Richard A. Preaching Luke’s Gospel: A
Narrative Approach. Lima, OH: CSS
Publishing Company, Inc., 1997
Tiede, David
L. Luke. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1988.
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