Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bible Study Brief: Exodus 14-15

Wednesday, February 24

Exodus 14:10-31

This is the suspenseful part of the escape from slavery. The Israelites have been released by Pharaoh and have successfully made some forward progress into the wilderness. They are stopped at the edge of the sea, however, wondering how to cross, when they can see Pharaoh's army in the distance. Pharaoh has changed his mind and sent the army to retrieve his workforce, the Israelites. God once again provides a miracle: the sea is parted so they may cross over on dry land. The Egyptians aren't so fortunate, however, and are swept into the sea when they try to pursue.

Remember this has been a cosmic battle. It is not only God vs. human, but Pharaoh, and Egypt, believe him to be a god himself. The plagues were increasing power moves of one divine being against another! Finally Pharaoh admits defeat at the hands of the God of Abraham & Sarah, Isaac & Rebekah, and Jacob, Leah, & Rachel. In this last attempt, he is reminded that God is God and Pharaoh is no more than an idol, though a living one, at the cost of his army, lost in the sea. God's purposes will not be undone. The people see the mighty hand and outstretched arm of God saving them once again from Pharaoh, and they follow God further into the wilderness. Like Pharaoh, they too will forget about God's power, but God will remind them along the way to the Promised Land--there will be plenty of time!

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